Sunday, May 01, 2011

The International Commission for the Truth on Jasenovac

The International Commission for the Truth on Jasenovac


Acting Coordinator: Aćić Saša
Đure Daničića ½
Banja Luka 78 000
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia & Herzegovina


Dear Mr. Maher,


It is my pleasure to inform you that the next meeting of the International Commision for the truth on Jasenovac will be held on the 23rd May 2011 at Banja Luka. Will you please submit to me your proposal for the agenda or inform me about the items that should be discussed at the meeting.
The Fifth International Conference on Jasenovac will be held at Banja Luka on the 24th and 25th May 2011. We are nowin the process of forming the Organising Commity for the meeting and you will get more information and all detailes as soon as we have them.
You are getting this information well in advance so that you can prepare your paper and discussion. We intend to publish all papers before the Coference.
Thank you very much for Your support.
Yours sincerely,
Sasa Acic, Coordinator
Acting Coordinator:


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