Dear Petar,Regarding the latest smear from the Lituchy camp to Dr. Trifkovic and copied to others, I think it is appropriate to set the record straight on at least some of the accusations:1. There is no dispute between you and me. I love you like a brother. You have been there to support me and my work for almost six years and called to check on me at times when I was dealing with incredible pain, especially the pain of working with the Jasenovac testimony and not being able to take a warm shower without thinking of those poor Jews and Serbs who were transfered from the Italian zone and tied up in the freezing rain to die as icicles or be hungry without wondering how those poor Serbs and Jews could survive hunger pains for months or years and eat without feeling guilty to have food. When my friends here didn't understand my commitment, you were always there for me, and nothing could change my feelings for you. To compare a (nonexistent) dispute with you "on the one hand" to one with Lituchy "on the other" is blasphemous.2. While Mr. Yelesiyevich claims to be "intimately acquainted with the details of the law suit," he seems to have been sadly misinformed, and I hope his research is more careful in other respects. Certainly, he should understand that the law provides for a process in which to "prove" allegations, and identifying the Jasenovac book as "pirated" is completely inappropriate. At the end of this litigation, we will see what is indeed "pirated."3. Since the Jewish Federaton in Belgrade was misinformed as to the nature of the settlement and tricked (with a breach of any confidentiality agreement) into not discussing the Mosic affair, we will wait to see further developments. Mr. Yelesiyevich's letter to the Federation contained many inaccuracies--such as(a.) the book was "unauthorized," when the only person to "authorize" the publication was Dr. Klein, the main organizer and host of the conference (I have his declaration);(b.) that Mr. Almuli offered a "bribe" to Mosic (he infact offered money for "permission" to include the papers in this and future editions so as to maintain a complete record); Mr. Almuli is a journalist who has spent decades on Holocaust studies and now in his 86th year still fights to tell the truth about genocide in Independent Croatia and has studied carefully the legal documents in this case;(c.) that we have "lost" the case (Mr. Yelesiyevich seems to assume himself judge and jury; the case is far from over, and your settlement clears the way for me to fight my way, unemcumbered by your lawyers);(d.) that the book will "vanish"--a most disturbing suggestion (the book is in Yad Vashem, Hebrew University, and many other university, public, church and synagogue libraries and with Survivors and researchers, and undistributed books are in protected storage);(e.) that JRI will produce a "definitive version" this April (It can hardly be complete as most of those few who signed "non-exclusive" permission to JRI have withdrawn even that and filed for copyrights, and a long list of people will certainly be missing from JRI's book, IF it ever appears;(f.) the book "distorted and misrepresented" presenters (evidently, Mr. Yelesiyevich does not understand the difference between a transcript of proceedings and an analytical work);(g.) that the book bears a "fraudulent" copyright (again, refer to Dr. Klein's declaration);(h.) that Milan Bulajic is inaccurately identified as an organizer of the conference (see page 165 of the book on which Dr. Klein identifies him (Lituchy is identiifed as a "coordinator," and he identified himself as an "assistant coordinator" in a Jan. 18, 1998 letter but apparently has now promoted himself to the "organizer"; and(i.) that we "forged" signatures (see the investigative report of the Survivors' Association; the letter of Tisma, Danon, Erlih, and Svarc; the letters of Danon, Erlih, and Svarc, etc.4. The allegation that you "admitted wrongdoing" is over the top, but I certainly hope, if Lituchy did get the $10,000 instead of his lawyers, that he hangs on to it as part of payment to me when I win the multi-million $ libel suit I have filed against him. Mr. Lituchy's "generous" settlement terms did not come close to attoning for the mental stress, health problems, money, and time he has cost so many with his second lawsuit against those who try to tell the truth about Jasenovac. Further, to set the record straight, I don't have a lawyer because I won't be held hostage by a Lituchy suit (such as the 1st one against 4 good men) in which I have to capitulate because I can't pay tens of thousands to an attorney. Further, the suggestion that "no judge wants to deal with a pro se defendant who refused good settlement terms" ignores the foundation of the justice system in which ALL litigants are entitled to pursue truth and justice. In fact, I would encourage anyone else against whom a frivolous lawsuit is filed to go "pro se."5. Regarding the allegation that I "created a scene" at St. Sava's church last Saturday, for the record, I was showing on my computer a 10-minute video of Jasenovac survivors to 6-7 friends (among them a man whose grandmother perished in Jasenovac and had asked to see the video) when a certain Barry supporter appeared in the otherwise empty room upstairs in the hall and demanded to know why I was there (in "her" church), accused me of being sued by CUNY/Kingsborough college (I told her I was not sued but that Barry had sued Kingsborough), and demanded to know who invited me. As I recall, most of those present plead guilty, after which she attacked them and demanded to know whether they were members of "her" church. I told her I had devoted most of my time over the five-plus years to telling the truth without ever soliciting or accepting money and that I have always before been welcomed by Serbs. She proceeded to insult further the others and me and claimed to be the largest donor to "her" church. Downstairs, she continued to desparage us and approached me again as I was leaving, at which time I told her she was most "inappropriate." Outside, as I left, she followed me and again asked me why I was there and (as the priest had called the donors to the church "angels") asked me if I were an "angel." I responded that I never took money from poor Serbs in a pyramid scheme and enriched myself with their loss, so perhaps I was an "angel."6. As for according "respect" to Mr. Lituchy, as neither Yugoslav Serb nor Jew nor Roma but American of German descent, I am very much aware that I must prove myself and EARN respect through my work. Likewise, I "accord" respect to others based on their character (honesty, strength of endurance, selfless service to others, etc.), their efforts that are not self-aggrandizing whether it be in the fields or the library, and the product of their work. As for permission from Mr. Lituchy, I do not assume that he "owns" the 1997 conference or story of Jasenovac to keep buried or expose as he wishes. As for "abid(ing) by his decisions"--well, malo sutra.As for Lituchy winning both lawsuits, he might have managed to wrest JRI from the hands of the original incorporator and gag the defendants while telling all kinds of stories about the affair himself and by costing them tens of thousands in legal fees, and he managed to get a settlement from you (again because of tens of thousands in legal fees but which works well for both of us) on a suit you should never have been on but for which your attorneys failed to file a motion to dismiss you, but this is far from over (unless Lituchy, in addition to other things, resigns from JRI and gives it back to the original incorporator--as the Survivors have made clear he does not represent their interests and, therefore, should not solicit money in their names), and it is absolutely false that "Lituchy won both times."7. As for Mr. Yelesiyevich's comments about Mr. Danon, Mr. Erlih, and Mr. Svarc, I will restrain myself and say only that these men, after their incredible suffering at Jasenovac, came to New York to tell their stories (and had to be hungry again as a certain check that was expedited from Canada to feed them was not cashed until a couple of months later) and, after 7.5 years when their stories were finally published, had their stories suppressed by injunction for the past six months. They have every right to want the only complete record of the conference that could ever be produced legally freed from injunction. They and others, knowing that some people would never give their permission to Lituchy after the horrible and costly messes he has caused and that the record of their testimony is satisfactory to them, have withdrawn their permission to Lituchy/JRI. They simply want their testimonies to be distributed instead of sitting in storage and have every right to demand it. Further, as you and I agreed, the most important and precious part of the 1997 conference was the testimony of the Survivors (eight of whom have died since the conference--seven without even seeing the book). We put every word they spoke in addition to every written word they submitted AND the transcripts of Vladimir Bibic's post-conference interviews in the FRONT of the book. While Lituchy claims the survivors were not the focus of the Conference, for us, they WERE. No words of any historian, whether informed or uninformed, could possibly be as important as the testimonies of those brave heroes, and I pray they will live to see their words freed from Lituchy's "gag."Best,wanda