Tuesday, March 14, 2017





11000 Beograd, Zmaj Jovina 15

Phone. 063 / 495-051, vladarsk@gmail.com

Br. 3 6/1 7 - 14th III - 7525 (201 7)



Avenija 19a, Vladimira Popovića 4 0 / V

Novi Beograd: Tel: +381.11.3083200 
Fax: +381.11.3083201 
E-mail: delegation-serbia@eeas.europa.




Dear representatives of the European Union in Serbia, please, on behalf of the 800,000 exiled Serbs from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and the Croatian - from 1990 to 1995 and for the truth about the Croatian crimes of genocide in World War II, when the Croatian army killed more than a million Serbs and tens of thousands of Jews and Roma to take into account that this is the truth of both Croatian genocide, as presented to a group of Serbian prosecutors from the Republic of Serbian Krajina and Croatian, a lawsuit out of court in Chicago has handed the US Ambassador to Zagreb - Croatian presidents, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic. So, the judicial prosecution of Chicago, in the United Državamaje filed a request that the Republic of Croatia reparations payment, Serbs, Roma and Jews as war crimes under international law, no statute of limitations.

What is important in this court procedure is the reaction of the present Croatian officials, who said that the Republic of Croatia is not the successor of the fascist Independent State of Croatian and Croatia is still applied uniforms, ranks and His anti sayings Croatian fascist armies in World War II. To avoid this truth, today Croatian statesmen declared that the Republic of Croatia is not the successor of the fascist Croatian, but to be the successor to the anti-fascist movement during World War II, established by the Communists and the decisions of Parliament and the Government of Yugoslavia in 1945.

Please that the institutions of the European Union to take into account this statement by Croatian officials, as is true only to that decision in 1945 of Yugoslavia, Croatia declared a federal unit, in which two equal Croats and Serbs. In such a state, equal rights had Croats and Serbs - the national state and its ethnic and historical territories.

Thus Croatia was a multinational, not only the state of the Croatian people. It was like Switzerland and Belgium. Since in Belgium could one nation (Walloons) to seize statehood status to another nation (Flemish), as the European Union has allowed that the statehood status Croats seize the Serbs? This is Croatia did in 1990, when the Serbs declared nedržavotvornim people and legitimize the Serbs only national minority in Croatia. Thereafter, they were expelled from the Serbian ethnic and cal the country in 1995.

It is obvious that Croatia since 1990, the program returned the fascist Independent State of Croatian - Hitler's faithful allies from 1941 to 1945, as the expulsion of 800,000 Serbs from 1990 to 1995, the Croats conducted serious crime of genocide against the Serbs, how to i did in world war II.

In addition to these irrefutable facts and in the spirit of the content of the complaint against the Croatian in the United States, we are confident that you will ask its members Hrvats to facilitate the return of displaced Serbs in the Republic of Serbian Krajina, with the return of their fixed assets and all human rights, as well as the Serbian law on its own statehood, what have i Flemings and Walloons in Belgium.

I offer you one crucial fact - the Serbs had a statehood with the Constitution and in Austria from 1630 to 1861, but at that time the Croats had their own state institutions.


With respect,

Milorad Buha, Prime Minister Landscapes